Donation Levels
Executive Level ($200) – For those that want to give more, welcome to the Executive Level. This level is for those that consider themselves cornerstones of the Rugby Club and want to show their support. You are eligible for all incentives of the below levels as well as a limited Rugby Alumni soft shell jacket with the Alumni crest and name of your choice.
Founder Level ($100) – At the Founder Level, you get a Calvin Rugby Alumni 10 year anniversary t-shirt and a 10 year anniversary shot glass – plus you’ll gain admittance to an exclusive Founder-only event with catered food and drink.
Champion Level ($75) – At the Champion Level, you get a Calvin Rugby Alumni 10 year anniversary t-shirt and a 10 year anniversary shot glass.
Sustainer Level ($50)– At the Sustainer Level, you get a Calvin Rugby Alumni 10 year anniversary t-shirt.
Supporter Level ($25) – Our basic level of support. This level is perfect if you’re just looking to lightly get involved financially, or are tight on money for a bit.